About Leigh

 Leigh Richardson,

BCIA Associate Fellow 

Clinical Director at Cognitive Behavior Disorders Center

Leigh has spent her educational and professional career with a focus on understanding human behavior. In the last decade, her focus shifted to understanding the role the brain plays in human behavior and how behavior can be modified with the use of neurofeedback.
Leigh completed her didactic training for neurofeedback at the University of North Texas. She completed her internship with a nationally recognized neurologist and poineer in the field of neurotherapy, Dr. Jonathan Walker, M.D., who has studied, researched and taught for 35 years. In 2004, while working with Dr. Walker as a neurotherapist, Leigh received her BCIA, EEG certification. In September, 2011 Leigh opened Cognitive Behavior Disorders Center.

2 thoughts on “About Leigh

  1. bob.richardson says:

    love this blog and content

  2. a vitamin says:

    Very interesting information!Perfect just what I was looking for!

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